How to derby


The players

Jammer - The skater with the star on their helmet

Pivot - A special blocker, designated by the stripe on their helmet, they can receive the star if the jammer passes it to them

Blockers - everyone else skating on the track

The Game

The pack - the largest group of players from both teams within 10 feet of each other.

The jam - A section of play that can be up to two minutes long, the lead jammer may end it early

Lead Jammer - The first jammer who legally, upright, and inbounds passes through the pack. The jam referee will be pointing to this skater the entire jam.

One short whistle blast - starts the jam

Four short rapid whistles - ends the jam

The Score

The each team has a jammer who is racing against the other jammer for points.

Jammers can get a point for each opposing blocker’s hips that are passed legally, upright, and inbounds per lap.

Scoring starts on a jammer’s second lap. Max of four points per lap.

Scoring ends on the last whistle of the jam-ending whistle.

The Common penalties

Track cut - A skater enters the track in front of someone they have not already passed. A player gains position

Forearms - A skater uses their forearms to gain position in the pack

Multiplayer - When a group of teammates forms a wall that could only be moved through by breaking someone’s bones.

Low block - A skater takes out another skater below the knees.

More penalties can be found in section 4 of the WFTDA rules

Wondering about what the referees are doing? You can checkout their hand signals and whistles